Manually transmitting with the Baker Ground Station is only used in very specific circumstances. It is most commonly used when the automation has been turned off, and a specific message file needs to be sent repeatedly. It can also be useful to familiarize oneself with the directories. However, this procedure will not work when the ground station is automated. It must be turned off first.
Open terminal
Shortcut – Ctrl+Alt+T
Enter Ground Station Environment
cd ~/src/groundstation/
Enter Virtual Environment
pipenv shell #needed to access/run .py files
Enter Ground Station Directory
cd ~ #go to home directory
cd ~/.config/ #enter config
cd groundstation/
Starting Up Ground Station
cd develop/hooks/missions/common
Setting Up Ground Station
Open a new terminal tab
rigctld -m 3081 -r /dev/ttyUSB -s 9600 #command to run RIG
Setting Up Rotation
Again open a new terminal tab
rotctld -m 603 -r/dev/ttyUSB0 -s 9600 #command to run ROT
Start Direwolf
For the third time open a new terminal tab
Return to home directory
cd ~
direwolf -c direwolf.conf -t 0 #run direwolf and keep text visual as white lettering/black background
Note this will populate a confirmation message in the terminal
Open GPredit
Click on the drop down arrow, located on the right side
Select “Antenna Control”
A new window titled “Gpredict Rotator Control: Amateur” will pop up
Under “Target” select “RANGE-A” from the drop down options
Click “Track”
Under “Settings” select “GS-232B” as the Device from the drop down
Click “Engage”
Confirm you are in cd develop/hooks/missions/common
Run Ping Command
python ../range/range_ping_bkr.kiss tcp --ip-port 8001 -i 5