- Gunter’s Space Page: https://space.skyrocket.de/index.html
This site is an excellent resource for getting data on a number of launch vehicles, and currently orbiting satellites. The archive also has a wealth of information on numerous spacecraft and past missions.
- Analytical Graphics, Inc: https://www.agi.com/
AGI produces numerous software solutions which can be used for mission modeling and spacecraft flight analysis. In particular, the Systems Tool Kit (STK), produced by AGI and available free of charge, is incredibly useful for calculating and simulating the orbits and flight paths for spacecraft.
- The National Association for Amateur Radio: http://www.arrl.org/
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio, provides information on a depth of topics related to the construction and operation of amateur radio stations, such as those which can be use to communicate with orbiting spacecraft. This body is also responsible for administering testing and providing licencing to those wishing to operate their own amateur radio equipment.
- The Center for Space Technology and Research: http://cstar.gatech.edu/
The Center for Space Technology and Research (C-STAR) organizes, integrates, and facilitates Georgia Tech’s space science and technology research activities. C-STAR brings together a wide range of Georgia Tech faculty who are active in space-related research and functions as a focal point for the growth of the space industry in the state of Georgia. C-STAR personnel are advancing the frontiers of astrophysics, Earth science, planetary science, robotics, space policy, space technology, and space systems engineering. C-STAR was established in 2013 and is actively engaged in partnerships with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Georgia Department of Economic Development Center of Innovation for Aerospace, and the Georgia Space Grant Consortium.
- Astronomy @ Georgia Tech: https://astronomy.gatech.edu/
This page contains online resources from most of Georgia Tech’s on campus astronomy community, including the GT Astronomy Club, the Astrophysics Center, and the Georgia Regional Astronomers. Astronomy @ GT also holds observatory events which can be found on this site.